05 May
Without Air…

Tashi Lhadar

Class - VII

In this world, there are different types of organisms and they all represent in this world with the help of air. If it represents to the world then it is same to other planets because in other planets there are not any living organisms because there is no air so they can’t live there. If there is no air then it is just like a house with no man and school with no students.

Air is very important source of life and it is also important for all the living organisms such as plants and animals. Without air, plants and animals can’t grow. It is life of only for one second. Air cannot be bought by money or gold. We can buy the air from only one way that is very simple. That is by not making air pollution.

If we don’t make air pollution then we can survive our life. Air pollution is made by vehicles like bus, train, airplane etc. This kind of things make the air pollution and dirty. If we burn things and garbages then air will get dirty and by driving more transport, burning garbage. If we want clean air then we have to use the transportation facilities very little and use less fire, using less factory and avoid deforestation. Plant more and more trees.

If we plant more trees then it gives us oxygen f. for planting trees, we have to water them and keep them safely from the animals. If we don’t make the air dirty then our life will be healthy. It gives us a long life. For the survival of our life, air is the most important.

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