05 May
My Visit to Rock Garden

Ngawang Chemi


My visit to rock garden was a blast! I had so much fun. We first took tickets. Then we started to enter. The first thing I saw was a  stone man with a flute. Then we went in.

There weren’t so many people there. We took photos there. Some girls made tik tok there. I made tik tok too. We started to explore the garden, so many stones!!

I was amazed! I have never seen so many rocks. Then we came to park side to play and rest. Then there were children who were playing hide and seek. Then I went to join them. Pelbar’s turn was to find us. After we played, we went to the children boating side. We rowed the boat with our hands. After we sailed boat, my hands were tired. But still we had to walk kilometers.

We walked and then Choekyi Jungney was fighting with a monkey. We all laughed and Kalden was teasing the monkey. Our teacher said that monkey would bite us. Then Kalden walked away.

Oooh!! I forgot to tell you that I had been to rock garden three times. Then we walked. Kalden and Kusang were entertaining us. Kalden was acting like a monkey and Kusang was acting like a rat. We laughed so hard that my stomach was hurting. Then we walked a mile. We saw a gate saying Fun Land and had many pictures on it. Some were playing in the mud and some were dancing in the water.

We all persuaded our teacher to go in there but the entry fee was Rs. 200 per perspn. Then our teacher played a trick by tearing one ticket into two pieces. We were amazed that the Indian people didn’t catch us. Some were talking behind us. But who cares we were there to have fun. We danced in shower. We went into the mud. Kalden was jumping in and out. The man scolded him. Our teacher shouted that it’s 5 o’clock. Then we packed our bags and exit the land. We still had to walk.

On our way, Choekyi Jungney was lost. We asked many people. We asked the gate keeper about him. He said that he had already left 15 minutes ago. We went to the exit. He was sitting on the chair. We all laughed. Teacher scolded him about leaving alone.

Then we went to the car and when we arrived at school. It was already 6 in the evening. This was my best trip ever with my classmates.

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