06 May
My Teddy Bear

Tenzin Desel

Class – IV

He sits upon his pillowed throne

A joyous smile upon his face

And though his ears may seen out grown

He carries then with pride and grace

He’s never cross or quick to cry

A friend in need is he to me

When human tongues are mean and sharp

My Teddy gives me sympathy

To him I always bare my soul

He lifts m when I’m feeling low

And when I brag and miss my goal

He never says, “ I told you so.”

My friends may titter gleefully

And some may tease, but I don’t care

I hope that I may never be

Too old to love my Teddy Bear

A Teddy bear is a faithful friend

You can pick him up at either end

His fur is the colour of breakfast toast

And he’s always there when you need him the most

I love my little Christmas teddy bear

I give it hugs and lots of care

He is with me when I go to bed at night

And he is still there in the early morning light

He follows me all through the day

He helps me to work and play

I love my little Christmas bear

I play with him all through the year

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