07 May

Tenzin Tendhar

Class - V

Millions of year ago, incredible creatures lived on earth. They were dinosaurs. The word dinosaur means terrible lizard. Some dinosaurs walked on two legs. Some walked on four legs. There were lots of different Dinosaurs. Some had spiny backs. Some had bony plates. Some had strange crests. Some dinosaurs had very big Crests. They probably blew through to make a noise like honk.

Some dinosaurs care called Apatosaurus. It was longer than a bus, taller than a horse and as heavy as four elephants. Not all dinosaurs were so big. This is Scutellosaures. Next to a modern-day cat and other like Micropachycephalosaurus.

 Dinosaurs lived on the land. It was very hot. Plants grew everywhere. Pterosaurs looped and swooped in the sky. Plesiosaurs splashed and swarm in sea.

Most dinosaurs were plant-eater or herbivores. Diplodocus had a long neck. It ate leaves high up in trees. Some dinosaurs were meat-eater, Or carnivores. They ate anything. They could catch even other dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus vex was one of the biggest carnivores. It had huge teeth to crunch and munch bones But its arms were tiny no one knows why. Some meat eaters were small and fast. Velociraptor had sharp claws to grip their victims. Sometimes a meat-eater’s victim escaped. Gallimimus could run away fast. Triceratops had horn to scare of attackers and Iguanodon had spikes instead of thumbs. This Ankylosaurus was very safe indeed. It had thick plates and a club on its tail. If another dinosaur attacked, mother dinosaurs made nests. Then they laid eggs. Baby dinosaurs broke out of the eggs. Some went off to find food. Some in the nest until they were bigger.

Dinosaurs lived on earth for more than hundred million years. Then almost all of them disappeared. Some people think that a big rock fell from space and hit the earth.  Dust filled the sky. It hid the sun. it was too cold for dinosaurs to live.

There is a lot we don’t know about dinosaurs. We don’t even know what their skin looked like. Perhaps they were green or spotted or stripped. Experts find out about dinosaurs by looking at fossils. Fossils are bones that have turned to stone. May be one day I will find a fossil. I like dinosaurs. They are big and strong. My favourite dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus vex and Tarbosaurus. They two are carnivorous dinosaurs. In hot carnivorous dinosaurs, I like Triceratops and Brachiosaurus but they are not carnivores.

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