05 May
Book is My Best Friend

Tenzin Wangdak

Class - VII

Book is my best friend because book never fights with us. Book never leaves me alone when there is not one with me. Book will never tell us bad things.

                Books are very good. There are many kinds of books in this world. Such us funny books, fairy tales, bed time tales  and the most helpful book is General Knowledge book. Learning all these kinds of books can improve our knowledge. Reading like fairy tales and bed time stories will improve children’s reading habits. Even I read many story books when I was a child. I carried it anywhere I go. Like this I improve my reading.

Books help us in learning. We can know like how we were born, how the ancient people lived and where they lived, what they ate etc. we can improve our mistakes from reading books.

                Every student’s best friend is book. Without books, we are nothing. Every famous man reads books even Bill Gates also reads so many books. He is the world’s richest man. Only one book can change your lifestyle. Whenever you read the book, don’t judge the book by its cover.

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