05 May
Book is my best friend

Tenzin Norzom

Class - VII

Book is my best friend because books give me spelling, knowledge and whatever. It is my favourite because we will improve English spelling or English subject. I love book so much and book is everything for me. And if there is no book then we will not improve our spelling, speaking, reading so that’s why book is so important.

Sometimes book will  refresh my mind. When sometimes I get angry then I read book and I feel so happy and smile. Book also gives me happiness. When there is no book in our life then we will not learn anything.

Books are type of knowledge that we will learn when we don’t know. So if you are confused then books will help you to clear the confusion. Books are so useful for our brain. In science we learn about how to do a doctor and learn about the life of snake etc. My favourite book is Dork-diaries. It is so funny and so many new things that I have learnt. Don’t ignore book.

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