08 May
A Bit Crazy but Adorable Classmates

Kunga Dechen

Class - VIII

My classmates are so strange.

Some of them are lazy,

Some of them are talkative,

And some of them are innocent.

A medium-haired girl

As cute as ever I met

Her voice seems close to bird

That’s my appreciation to you!

A scrolled-haired girl

Who everyday watches Korean movie

As she can speak Korean language

That’s my appreciation to you!

A short-haired girl

Who can play basketball well

In sports or everywhere

That’s my appreciation to you girl!

A straight-haired girl

Always studious and lover of swimming

Who can swim well like fish

That’s appreciation to you girl!

All the boys are just okay

They tease me, make me angry.

But they help me in any condition

That’s my appreciation to all the boys!

Kind and passionate monks

Who have been good for me

Never single drop of tears you make me fall

That’s my appreciation to you respected monks!

Sometimes we are cheering up.

When the moment is quite good

Those time we have enjoyed a lot

Will be an unforgettable moment for me.

Sometimes we are under the

Same critical situations

But we are always together

Those moments I can’t drop.

Sometimes we get furious each other

But after a minute or an hour so

And again we patch up!

That’s what we call classmate!

Thank you for laughing with me

Thank you for pushing me to be better

Thank you for inspiring me

Thank you for everything!!

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